Public Studio & Anna Friz
One Hundred and Twenty Mirrros
Three-piece permanent public art installation commissioned by The City of Toronto for the Lee Lifeson Art Park (Toronto)
120 Mirrors is a sound installation consisting of a series of horn-shaped sculptures that each play with a different aspect of human communication, specifically, the acts of listening, speaking, conversing, and reflection. The sculptures explore these elements that together make up the acts of dialogue and broadcast, through the simple acoustic amplification of landscape and voice. By separating the different processes into discrete experiences, the various elements of communication are emphasized, allowing visitors to become more mindful of the acts of listening, to themselves and to others. By using materials referenced in the historical Toronto Purchase (such as brass, mirrors, etc.),120 Mirrors seeks to deepen visitors’ engagement with the necessity and importance of generous communication in public space, and, through a sonic experience of space, to become more aware of their surroundings as a historical, political, and contemporary social landscape.