TABLE DECONSTRUCTION at The Centre for Incidental Activisms
Public Studio & Eshrat Erfanian
The Art Gallery of York University, Toronto, Canada
January 19 – March 13, 2011
The Centre for Incidental Activisms at the AGYU proposed an entirely new way of working with artists, revealing and accentuating the ephemeral nature of the groundwork that goes into research-based practice, rather than focusing on a final outcome. The curators questioned how the production of art can be a form of activism, above and beyond the objects that artists create.
In this spirit, the curators constructed a table at the heart of the CIA for the purpose of meetings, to bring curators, artists, and community members together in collaborative scenarios under the auspices of research-based art practices. Rather than performing research on the table, however, and in keeping with the intention of the CIA, Public Studio, in collaboration with Eshrat Erfanian, decided to instead deconstruct the table. For the duration of the three-month exhibition at the AGYU, Public Studio activated the space by gradually disassembling the table, in the front gallery. Initially introducing small interventions and then escalating to the use of power tools, the activity was scheduled during gallery hours so that visitors would enter what seemed to be an active construction site.