Public Studio & Adrian Blackwell
Migrant Choir

Venice, August 2015
Choral performance as a part of the 2015 Creative Time Summit at the Venice Biennale, supported by Blackwood Gallery

Inno Delle Nazioni / Migrant Choir was an action in which recent migrants to Italy and their supporters sang the Italian, French, and British national anthems in front of these countries’ respective pavilions at the 2015 Venice Biennale. This performance is a speech act, in which non-citizens invoke Hannah Arendt’s famed question as to who has the “right to have rights,” while rendering the exclusionary nature of these anthems visible.

Find a PDF of the songbook here.


Three Days of Debating Social Justice at the Venice Biennale, Hyperallergic, August 26, 2015
Preserving Borders vs. Preserving People: Death Toll Rises as Refugees Head to Europe Seeking Safety, Democracy Now!, August 31, 2015
Il coro dei profughi alla Biennale di Venezia, La Repubblica (Italian), August 14, 2015